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Use Formcrafts to create smart contact forms for Front that turn new responses into new conversations, and create new contacts. You can also create customer satisfaction surveys, and embed them in Front signatures.

How can I use Formcrafts with Front?

Contact forms

Create smart contact us forms and easily share them, or embed them on your website. Turn responses into new Front messages and Front contacts.

Customer surveys

Create customer satisfaction surveys (CSAT), or Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys.

Why pick Formcrafts?

Share or embed

Share hosted form links or embed your forms anywhere (Shopify, WordPress, Webflow, custom website etc …)

Smart forms

Use conditional logic to show certain fields. Create autocomplete fields in your forms. Use hidden fields to pass information. Use math calculations.

Multi-page forms

Split your forms over multiple pages, and add dozens (or even hundreds) of fields.

Accept files

Allow users to upload multiple files on your forms.

Get insights

View detailed insights for each field. For example, most common support queries, or average agent score.

Highly customizable

Choose from dozens of survey and contact templates. Use advanced styling options to match your brand.

Accept payments

Add a credit card field and accept payments through your forms.


  1. Create a Front contact form

  2. Embed surveys in emails

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Front integrations listing for Formcrafts

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