
At Formcrafts, we are committed to supporting the invaluable work of nonprofit organizations around the world. We understand the unique challenges faced by nonprofits and offer special discounts on our plans to help these organizations achieve their missions more effectively.

Discount Details

Nonprofit organizations can benefit from discounts ranging from 20% to 50%, depending on the type and needs of the nonprofit. These discounts are available across our range of services, designed to make our form building tools more accessible to organizations making a difference.


To qualify for our Nonprofit Discount Program, you must:

  • Be a registered nonprofit or charitable organization in any country.
  • Provide official registration proof of your nonprofit status.

How to Apply

Please contact us using this non-profit application form and someone from our team will get back to you shortly.


Discounts are granted at Formcrafts' discretion and subject to availability and eligibility criteria. The discount applies to new subscriptions and renewals for eligible organizations. Discounts cannot be combined with other promotions or offers. Formcrafts reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Nonprofit Discount Program at any time without prior notice. Continued eligibility requires annual verification of nonprofit status.