Which form builder to pick?

So you're looking for a powerful form builder and need an easy way to compare the features and prices? We have put together this page so you can get an overview of the differences between Formcrafts, Typeform, and Jotform.

We also have in-depth comparisons that look at features, prices, UI/UX, and much more:

  1. Formcrafts vs Typeform
  2. Formcrafts vs Jotform
  3. Formcrafts vs Wufoo
  4. Formcrafts vs SurveyMonkey

Compare free plans

Let's start with free plans. Jotform and Formcrafts offer similar limits. Jotform offers higher file storage, but limits form views and payments, unlike Formcrafts.

Here's a comparison of the free plans offered by Formcrafts, Typeform, and Jotform.

Formcrafts Free
Typeform Free
Jotform Free
Unlimited Unlimited 5
100 10 100
Unlimited Unlimited 1,000
Unlimited Unlimited 100
File uploads
25MB Not available 100MB
  • Conditional logic
  • Prefill
  • Calculations
  • Save-and-resume
  • Dynamic dropdowns
  • Redirect
Form layouts
  • Classic layout
  • Multi-step forms
  • Conversation forms
Form styling
  • Thank you page
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom fonts

Compare paid plans

Next, let's look at paid plans. Formcrafts and Jotform offer a $39 plan so that's an apples-to-apples comparison. Typeform's closest plan is $29. It's only $10 cheaper but has fewer features, sadly.

Here's a comparison of the paid plans offered by Formcrafts, Typeform, and Jotform.

Formcrafts $39 / mo
Typeform $29 / mo
Jotform $39 / mo
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
500 100 1,000
Unlimited Unlimited 10,000
White label
Custom links
Google Tag Manager
Google Analytics
Field insights
Paid On higher plans On enterprise plans

Other factors

There is more to form builder selection than simply comparing features and prices.

Example, let's look at reviews. Formcrafts has an average rating of 4.8 on the HubSpot marketplace, compared to Typeform at 3.1 and Jotform at 3.6.

We're a little biased, so don't take our word for it. Give each of them a try and see which one fits your needs the best.