Job application form

This well-designed web designer job application form collects essential information from applicants, including their personal details, eligibility to work in Canada, education, experience, skills, and more.

14 fields
4 steps
Welcome page of a job application form describing the position and benefits, along with a 'Start' button

Multi-step layout

This job application form uses a multi-step layout since it is comprehensive in nature. This improves the user experience, and prevents the applicant from being overwhelmed. The steps in this job application form are:

  1. Applicant information

    Get personal details and portfolio URL of the applicant.

  2. Education

    Ask about their education, and year of graduation.

  3. Previous experience

    Get information about their experience in the field, and in which roles

  4. Other info

    Inquire how they heard about the position, and allow them to leave any comments.

Detailed field insights

Field analytics can help us look for patterns in responses. Example, we can run analysis on the "How did you hear about this job opening?" field to see which source has worked best for us. This sample chart shows that Employee referral has been the most effective source.

Horizontal bar chart showing the distribution of responses for the dropdown field 'How did you hear about this job opening?'
Field analysis

Form engagement report

The engagement analysis helps hiring managers see where applicants spend the most time or drop off when completing the application form. This insight is crucial for improving the form’s usability, ensuring key parts are straightforward, and ultimately attracting strong candidates.

Engagement analysis for 'Job application form' showing the time spent on each form step, and the drop-off rate
Step engagement and drop-off analysis

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