Freelance application form
Free form template to gather detailed information from freelance applicants. Collect personal info, work skills, portfolio links (or uploads), pay rates, and references. Streamline your hiring process. Add your company name and logo, and easily customize this form for different roles.

- Secure
- GDPR-compliant
- Mobile-friendly
- WCAG2-compliant
- Blazing fast
- Customizable
Multi-step application layout
This comprehensive application form has the following steps:
- Welcome page: Includes company name, and logo, along with perks of working and some info on the freelance role.
- Personal Information: Collect basic details like name, email, phone number, location status, and country.
- Skills and Expertise: Gather data on core skills, experience level, and relevant certifications.
- Portfolio: Inquire about portfolio access through links, uploads, or comments on submissions.
- Availability and Rates: Request expected hourly rates, availability, start date, and payment preferences.
- References or Testimonials: Ask for reference names and upload letters of endorsement.
Form workflows
You can use workflows in Formcrafts to send notifications, autoresponders, and connect the form with third-party tools. Some examples of workflows:
- Email:
Send a thank-you email to the applicant, along with the current application processing time
- Create PDF:
Generate a PDF based on the response data
- Email:
Notify a hiring manager about the new application, and include the PDF in the email
- Salesforce:
Create a new application record in Salesforce
Detailed field analysis
The 'Field analytics' on payment preferences help freelancers or hiring managers understand which methods are most popular. For example, if "PayPal" is frequently chosen, businesses can prioritize setting up PayPal to ensure smooth transactions. This insight helps prevent payment delays and improves freelancer satisfaction.
Related templates
- Secure
- GDPR-compliant
- Mobile-friendly
- WCAG2-compliant
- Blazing fast
- Customizable