Student exchange program application form

Multi-step student exchange program application form. Gather personal information, current institution details, language skills, and qualifications in one form.

17 fields
4 steps
Welcome step of 'Student exchange program application' with an illustration, introduction text, and a 'Begin' button

Field insights

Field analytics reveal valuable insights. For the student exchange program application, knowing the levels of German proficiency among applicants lets admins plan better support and services. If many students have high proficiency, offering advanced courses might appeal. Low proficiency alerts admins to offer language programs or additional resources.
Horizontal bar chart showing the distribution of responses for the multiple choice field 'German proficiency'
Field analysis

Form engagement and drop-off rates

Engagement analysis helps identify which sections of the student exchange program application confuse users or cause drop-offs. A university can use this data to improve their form, making it easier to complete and increasing the number of successful applications. This ensures they attract more well-qualified exchange students.
Engagement analysis for 'Student exchange program application' showing the time spent on each form step, and the drop-off rate
Step engagement and drop-off analysis