Business loan application form

Comprehensive business loan application template to generate leads. Collect personal information, loan details, business plan, collateral information, and other essential information.

29 fields
7 steps
Welcome page of a loan application form with an illustration of a shop, welcome text, and an 'Apply now' button

Multi-step layout

Using a multi-step layout is essential for application forms. It breaks down the application into manageable chunks, making it easier for the applicant to fill out the form. This template has the following steps, each covering a category of questions:

  1. Personal Info

    Collect applicant's personal information, including address.

  2. Business Info

    Get information about the business in consideration, along with any documents.

  3. Loan request details

    Get details about the loan request, like amount and purpose.

  4. Business plan

    Inquire about the business plan, and allow uploading of documents like a business plan.

  5. Collateral

    Inquire about the loan collateral.

  6. Confirm

    Show an overview of the entered information.

  7. Disclaimer

    Custom text and disclaimers, which can point to external link(s).

Auto-save application progress

Application forms can take a while to fill, since the users have to gather all the information and documents. To help your applicants you can enable the auto-save feature. This will periodically save the form progress, allowing applicants to return to the form anytime (on the same device).

Detailed insights on loan purpose

Field analytics can offer insights into form responses. Example, an analysis of the Loan purpose field will show the lenders the most common reasons for loan applications. This can help tailor loan products, improve customer satisfaction, and target marketing more efficiently by looking at the demand trends.

Horizontal bar chart showing the distribution of responses for the multiple choice field 'Loan purpose'
Field analysis

Engagement and drop-off analysis

Engagement analysis helps you understand how applicants interact with your loan application form. By seeing which steps take the most time and where users drop off, you can identify bottlenecks and improve the form. This can help in improving the conversion rates, generating more leads.

Engagement analysis for 'Business loan application form' showing the time spent on each form step, and the drop-off rate
Step engagement and drop-off analysis

Common questions

Is the template responsive?

Yes, the template is responsive, which means it will work well on both desktop and mobile devices. Anyone who needs to fill out the form can do so easily, no matter what device they are using.

Can I use this template for different types of loans?

Absolutely! While the template is designed for small business loans, you can modify the fields to collect information for other types of loans as well. Just make changes in the sections that don't apply to the type of loan you are offering.

How can I share the form with applicants?

Once you’ve customized the form, you can share it by providing a direct link to the form webpage. You can also embed the form on your website or share it via email and social media platforms to reach your audience.

How do applicants know they have successfully submitted their application?

After applicants fill out the form and confirm their information, they will receive a confirmation email. You can customize this email to provide any extra information or next steps, ensuring applicants know their submission was successful.

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