Webinar registration form

Use this multi-step webinar registration form to enroll prospective students, and gather personal information, education background, course preferences, and marketing preferences.

12 fields
4 steps
Welcome step of 'Webinar registration form' with introduction text, and a 'Start' button

Multi-step layout

Long forms, specially registration forms, should be broken down over several steps to improve the form experience. This form uses the following steps to get the required information from the registrant:

  1. Personal Information

  2. Education

  3. Course Information

  4. Marketing

Detailed field insights

Field analytics in Formcrafts can give you deep insight into trends. Example, we can run an analysis on the "How did you hear about this webinar?" field to see which sources are working best in attracting new students.

Horizontal bar chart showing the distribution of responses for the dropdown field 'How did you hear about this webinar?'
Field analysis

Form engagement report

Engagement analysis helps you see where users spend time or drop off in the registration form. If many students drop off at the coding experience step, you can simplify it to keep their interest. This data helps you make your form better to get more students to sign up for your computer science webinars.

Engagement analysis for 'Webinar registration form' showing the time spent on each form step, and the drop-off rate
Step engagement and drop-off analysis

Common questions

Is the template responsive?

Yes, the Webinar Registration Form template is designed to be fully responsive. This means it will look and function well on any device, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Your registrants will have a smooth experience no matter how they access the form.

How do I add this template to my existing webinar page?

To add this template to your existing webinar page, you need to copy the embed code of the form and then paste it on your page. This works with almost all types of websites, whether it be WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Webflow, or something else. You can also share a direct link to the form with your audience. Detailed instructions can be found in our help section.

Can I collect additional information beyond what is in the template?

Absolutely! You can add more fields to collect any additional information you need. Simply use our form builder to drag and drop new fields into the template and customize them as you see fit.

Is the captured data secure?

Yes, we prioritize data security. All data captured through the form is stored securely and complies with relevant data protection regulations. We use encryption to protect your registrants' information. All client data is stored on EU servers.

Can I use this form to send automated confirmation emails?

Yes, you can set up automated confirmation emails to be sent to registrants after they complete the form, using Workflows.

Do I need any technical skills to use this template?

No, you don't need any technical skills to use this template. Our form builder is designed to be simple and easy to use, even for beginners. You can create and customize forms with just a few clicks.

Can I track who has registered for the webinar?

Yes, you can track registrations easily. Formcrafts provides an easy to use tabular format to view responses - something like a spreadsheet. You can easily search or filter through the responses in an instant.

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