Mortgage calculator form

An elegant form template to provide instant mortgage payment estimates to your visitors, and allow them to contact you for personalized advise. The template may look simple but uses a lot of advanced features like math calculations, conditional logic, and a multi-step layout.

14 fields
2 steps
Welcome step of 'Mortgage calculator form' with introduction text, and a 'Start' button


This form uses a two-step format:

  1. Calculation

    The first page calculates the mortgage based on user input. At this point the user can click on Next if they would like to learn more.

  2. Contact

    At this step the user can enter their personal information, and submit the form.

Conditional logic

The form uses conditional logic to show appropriate messages. Example, if the interest rate entered is too high the form will show a message noting that the interest rate is too high, and that the visitor might be able to secure a better rate.

Advanced calculations

This form uses Formcrafts' math calculations feature. It asks for basic mortgage loan inputs, and then instantly calculates the mortgage payments based on those inputs. The form can be further adjusted to include additional features like loan down payments in calculations.

Field insights

Field analytics offer insights into your audience's preferences. For mortgage consultants, seeing which house types are most popular helps tailor loan offerings and marketing, and look out for trends.

Horizontal bar chart showing the distribution of responses for the multiple choice field 'House type'
Field analysis

Common questions

Can I customize the fields in this mortgage calculator template?

Yes, you can customize the fields in this template. You can add, remove, or modify the fields to fit your specific requirements. This makes it easy to tailor the form to your own needs.

Can I change the currency displayed in the monthly payment calculation?

Yes, you can change the currency. The default currency is USD, but you can modify it to display in the currency that you need for your calculations.

What happens if the interest rate or mortgage terms are not ideal?

The template includes warnings if the interest rate is too high or if the mortgage terms are not favorable. These messages will help users understand when they might need to seek better options.

How can users contact me for personalized advice?

The template has a contact section where users can fill out their name, email, house type, and any comments. This will allow users to reach out to you for personalized quotes and additional advice.

Can I embed this mortgage calculator form into my website?

Yes, you can embed this form into your website. Formcrafts provides easy options for embedding forms, so you can integrate the mortgage calculator seamlessly into your site.