Dog adoption application form

This well-designed dog adoption application form collects basic information, existing pet details, and disclaimers to ensure potential adopters are ready to provide a safe and loving home for their new furry friend.

10 fields
3 steps
Welcome step of 'Dog adoption application form' with an image, introduction text, and a 'Apply' button

Multi-step layout

The application form uses several pages to breakdown the application into the following manageable parts:

  1. Basic info

  2. Existing pets

  3. Disclaimers

Conditional steps

The form uses conditional logic to show / hide certain steps based on previous answers.

Example, if the applicant says Yes to Do you have existing pets they are shown a page where they are asked further questions about their existing pets.

Detailed field insights

Using field analytics can help us understand form responses better and notice patterns. Example, we can use field analysis on the Living arrangement field to get an overview of the most common living situations for prospective adoptees.

Horizontal bar chart showing the distribution of responses for the multiple choice field 'Living arrangement'
Field analysis

Form engagement and drop-off analysis

The engagement analysis helps dog shelter staff understand how users interact with the application form.

By seeing how long users spend on each step and where they drop off, staff can improve the form. This can lead to a smoother process for potential adopters, increasing the chances of finding dogs new homes.

Engagement analysis for 'Dog adoption application form' showing the time spent on each form step, and the drop-off rate
Step engagement and drop-off analysis