Welcome to our Summer-School registration process for students at German Universities.

International Summer School on


Welcome to our Summer School registration page!
We are delighted to extend an invitation for you to join our 2023 Summer School program. To secure your place, please kindly complete the registration form below. We look forward to warmly welcoming you to a memorable summer filled with learning and personal growth.
Please note, that this application form is only purposed for Students at German Universities. Important information are published on our project homepage www.holocaust-remedies.com, especially in the Summer-School's FAQ-Section.

Registration terms / Scholarship
The summer school will take place from 18th of August 2023 until 15th of September, 2023, beginning in Israel in cooperation with Reichman University, followed by two weeks in Giessen. The lecturers from academia and society, as well as the specofic program, will be published on this website soon. In addition to the lectures, excursions in Israel (e.g. Jerusalem, Supreme Court) and Berlin (with overnight stays) are also planned.
The summer school program is funded through a scholarship for all partcipants (ten each from Israel and Germany and five from Colombian Universities). The scholarship includes travelling expenses to Germany / Israel and back, study trips at destination, accommodation and course material, during the summer school.
This registration process is open to students of law, history, or related disciplines enrolled at a German university. It is explicitly and particularly aimed at younger semesters.
Registration will be open until 19th of June, 2023.
Upon receipt of an application, the International Summer School on Post-Holocaust Remedies will process it and confirm or reject acceptance.
There will be two waitlist positions assigned to applicants in case of withdrawal by one or more of the previously accepted applicants/participants. If a participant who has already registered in the Summer School should wish to withdraw from the Summer School program, he/she must inform the Summer School team in writing. In case a participant withdraws from the program, no additional fees will occur. The position of the withdrawer will be given to a previously waitlisted applicant. These conditions apply as long as the withdrawal did not cause financial losses for the ISSHR.

Before you begin
Please ensure that you complete all sections of the application form. Whether applicable, please select the corresponding options. You will find an explicit note whether an answer is recommended but voluntary. You can easily Ell out and edit the application form electronically using a PC or Mac.
The following steps will guide you through our application form. Nevertheless, if you have any questions during/concerning the application process, please do not hesitate to contact the team via email at: [email protected]
Furthermore, please make sure to have on hand:
• CV (in English)
• Passport
• Your thorough letter of motivation (in English)
• Official transcripts of records.
• An English proficiency document (optional – we will primarily focus on your written English skills in your motivation letter)

Language Skills

Educational Background

Are you the first of your family to attend University?
Have you ever received a scholarship before?

Emergency Contact

Special Needs

Do you have any food restrictions?
Please note that we cannot guarantee for all food items to be edible for everyone when we provide catering for special events.
Do you have any allergies, impairments or other long-term medical conditions that might be important in an emergancy case?
Please note: For participation in the Summer School 2023 a student visa for the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is not required. Participants who must obtain a valid visa in any way shall contact the local German Consular Representation of the FRG. However, entering in Israel may be subject to different conditions and should be checked beforehand. Students should refer to the
relevant information provided by the next Israeli Consular Representation but should also reach out to our managing coordinator ([email protected]) – we can provide support.


The International Summer School on Post-Holocaust Remedies 2023, its leading organizers, staff, lecturers, and teachers shall not be held accountable for any damage to personal property or for any injuries suffered by participants during the summer school program, except where the damage or injuries suffered are caused by acts of willful intent or gross negligence. The International Summer School on Post-Holocaust Remedies 2023 shall not be held accountable for any damage to property or injury to persons caused by participants.


In case of misbehavior, the organizers of the International Summer School on Post-Holocaust Remedies 2023 reserve themselves the right to dismiss a participant from the summer school program. Misbehavior constitutes e.g. attacks and insults on other participants, staff, or other third persons, drug abuse, excessive alcohol abuse. The dismissal of a participant from the course is solely at the discretion of the organizers, i.e. the academic organizers and the managing coordinator.

Governing Law, Jurisdiction

The co contra shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising hereunder shall be the courts of ordinary jurisdiction in Giessen.

Data Protection

The Justus-Liebig-University is processing personal data for the purposes of the application process and implementation of the Summer School. The legal basis is Article 6 (I) EU-GDPR. Your obligation to provide the data, without which the application cannot be submitted, arises from the application itself. Your data can be passed to external administrative institutions, such as the city council (e.g. for bus tickets) or the insurance department. Your data will be stored over a period of 5 years. You are entitled to require an insight of your data at any time. Furthermore, you are entitled to have your data corrected, to send inquiries or to restrict the processing (Art. 15, 16 and 18 EU- GDPR). In case you consider your data processing illegal, you have the right to complain in front of the Hessian data protection commissioner (Art. 77 EU-GDPR, §55 Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Law). Above that, you are entitled to withdraw your consent referring to the data processing or to desire a deletion of your data (Art. 7 (III), Art. 17 EU-GDPR). Moreover, you can demand the transmission of your data in a portable form or the transfer to another responsible (Art. 20 EU-GDPR). Responsible for the data processing of the Justus-Liebig-University is the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Ludwigstraße 23, 38390 Gießen, represented through its president. Data Protection supervisors are:
Axel P. Globuschütz ,Ludwigstraße 23, Raum 227, 35390 Gießen [email protected] Tel.0641-99 12230
Dr. Robert Pfeffer, Ludwigstraße 23, Raum 221, 35390 Gießen [email protected], Tel. 0641-99 12250
After being chosen as participan it will be nessecary to sign this application form, with which the applicant certiEes that he/she wishes to participate in the International Summer School Giessen and that he/she acknowledges and accepts to be legally bound by its terms and conditions stated above.
Do you agree to the above mentioned terms and conditions?
Do you agree to the above mentioned Data Protection Declaration?

Document Attachments

You may now provide the asked documents via upload. After you have uploaded these documents it is necessary to submit actively by clicking the same named button. You will land then onto another page that states a finished application form. At the same time you will also receive an automatically generated mail which confirms that the application process has started. Our team will prove the provided documents and information and will come back to you at least 48 hours after you submitted your registration where we will ask for further documents or confirm a complete application. Again: To send your application you must klick the "SUBMIT"-button
Before you submit your application please provide the following documents:

Your thorough letter of motivation (in English)
CV (in English)
Offiial transcripts of records
Optional: English proficiency document
We will primarily focus on your written English skills in your motivation letter.
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