Rocky Mountains Distributing
Ice Production Calculator
Determine your business's ice production needs to select the optimal ice machine size. Consult the table below for established industry guidelines.
Type of Operation/Volume of Ice Needed
Add 20% for Safe Margin of Error
1.5 lbs per guest
2 to 3 lbs per person
School Cafeteria:
1 lb per person
Hospital Patients:
10 lbs per patient
Hospital Cafeteria:
1 lb per person
Nursing Homes:
6 lbs per resident
Cocktail Bar:
3 lbs per person
Beer & Wine Bar:
1 lb per person
Hotel Catering:
1 lb per person
Hotel Guest Ice:
5 lbs per room
General Catering:
1.5 lbs per person
Bar 2.5 lbs per person
Extended Events:
2 lbs per person
Office Use:
1.5 lbs per employee
Specialty Marine:
3.5 lbs per person
Correctional Facility:
7 lbs per person
Pounds of ice per customer
Customers per day
Pounds of Ice Per Day:
First and last name
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