Additive System Configuration

System Capacity

Our system configuration walkthrough will help us to provide you with information better tailored to your requirements. Just select the options that feel right to you, and we can work out the finer details later.

LaserCAM Orthotics Additive System selection.Please select whether you would like information about a complete hardware solution for in-clinic 3D printing, or if you would like to use our Design & Print Service.
Fuse 1 Hardware Solution
Fuse 1 Hardware Solution
Design & Print Service
Design & Print Service

Manufacturing Requirements

Help us tailor our recommendations to you.

Primary raw material selection.You may select more than one option.
What are your expected weekly 3D printing requirements?Understanding your required turnover really helps us to build a suitable system.
Current manufacturing system.Are you transitioning from an existing system of manufacture?

3D Scanners

Please select any 3D scanners that you would like bundled in your quotation.

3D scanner selection.We recommend considering our industry leading VPS scanners.
LaserCAM VPS Clinical Scanner
LaserCAM VPS Clinical Scanner
LaserCAM VPS Negative Cast
LaserCAM VPS Negative Cast
No 3D Scanner Required (BYO)
No 3D Scanner Required (BYO)

Orthosis Grinding Station

We can provide an orthosis grinding station complete with all of the accessories required to hand finish your orthoses.

Select your Orthosis Grinding Station requirement.All grinding stations are have a 16mm thread for attachments.
3D Printed Grinding Station
3D Printed Grinding Station
Not Required (BYO)
Not Required (BYO)

Contact Information

Lastly, please provide your contact information.
