iNDIEFLIX Education
Page #4
This form has been discontinued. But the program hasn't.
Thank you for your interest in the CA Building Resilience program! We are so excited to have new partners this year to make this an even more robust program and have a new very user friendly customer experience.
Please click here to get registered
and be one of the first educational communities in CA to be delivered the new program.
Angst - Building Resilience Program for California Schools
Which best describes you?
Please enter the symbols shown below
Type of Academic Organization you Represent
Angst is recommended for Middle and High School aged students (and up).
Type of School
ZIP Code
Type of Charter School
Name of School District
Note: Not all options displayed initially - type to search all districts
Hidden Field
First Name
Your first name
Last Name
Your last name
Your Job Title/Role
If Other, Please Specify Job Title/Role
Your Email
Please use your official email for verification
Contact Email
Your Phone Number
District information
How many schools will you offer access to?
Please note that 'Angst' is recommended for grades 5 and above.
Average enrollment in schools that will have access
Please use your best estimate.
Please list the names of the schools within your district you’ll be distributing this program to
Please note, this program has been generously underwritten for middle and high schools only
School Information
Name of School
The name of the school you are contacting us on behalf of
How many students are enrolled at this school?
Additional Comments
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