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  • Research Papers on Carl Rogers


    Carl Rogers (1902-1987) is considered to be one of the founders of humanistic psychology and has been esteemed by some as second only to Sigmund Freud.  Research papers on Carl Rogers may cover a variety of issues, but should include a definition of humanistic psychology, biographical information to show what led Rogers to his beliefs, and a discussion of how Rogers applied his theory to practice.  Research material for research papers on Carl Rogers should be obtained from credible sources on Carl Rogers like

    While investigating research papers on Carl Rogers, the student will find links to existentialism and phenomenology.  Existentialism, which was largely introduced by the philosophical work of Friedrich Nietzsche, states that man is a free agent, able to make his own decisions and find his own meaning in a world seemingly fraught with despair and meaninglessness.  In other words, according to humanist thinkers, all the answers are within man himself and there is no need for God.

    Studying biographies for research papers on Carl Rogers should prove interesting for the student, since Rogers was raised in a religious home and at one time pursued the ministry as a career choice.  Students should analyze Rogers' life for influences and circumstances that may have caused him to begin to doubt and turn away from his religious beliefs.  Biographical material on Rogers may be found in other papers on Carl Rogers.

    As the student ponders application for the research paper on Carl Rogers, it will not escape his notice that Rogers' talk therapy, which he called person-centered therapy, is the type of psychotherapy that has become stereotypical to us today.  In person-centered therapy, rather than directing the patient, the therapist attempts to guide him into a type of self-discovery, so that he can find his own solutions to his problems.

    Research papers on Carl Rogers present a challenging opportunity for psychology students to discover the foundations of many of the methods and philosophies that are used in psychotherapy today.  However, students should explore as many avenues and as many differing philosophies as possible in order to determine those which offer the most help and promise in mental and emotional healing today.

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