Upload Business Documents & Valid ID
Business License / Tax Certificate / Drivers License - ID
What we need:
We will need a valid copy of your business license and your state driver's license or ID please follow the directions and upload below. If you need help, please reach out to our accounts team: accounts@cbdtostore.com / 630-570-0069 and ask for accounts.

1: Upload your Business License
Click the "Upload File" button below to upload your document. 
File extensions that are accepted are:
jpg - jpeg -png -  gif - bmp - tiff - doc - docx - pdf

If you cannot upload a your business license for some reason you can also attach your business license to an email and send to: accounts@cbdtostore.com
FileUpload your business License / Tax Certificate
2: Upload a picture of the front & back of your valid Driver's License Or State ID
Click the "Upload File" button below to upload your document. 
File extensions that are accepted are:
jpg - jpeg -png -  gif - bmp - tiff - doc - docx - pdf

If you cannot upload your driver's license pictures for some reason you can also attach the pictures to an email and send to: accounts@cbdtostore.com
FileUpload a picture of the front and back of your driver's license or state id