New Lawyers Program Application


full name



Graduation Date

or date admitted to state bar



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Firm Name


Please upload proof of graduation

Terms: Purchases made in the New Lawyers Program are for your personal use, and will not be resold. Purchases are limited to one copy of each title. Once you are accepted in the program, the discount will be applied automatically to your purchases, until the time you are no longer eligible for the program, which is five years after graduation. Customer service will notify you that you are accepted into the program once we have received and reviewed your proof of graduation.

In addition, I agree to opt in to Trial Guides’ “New Lawyers” e-mail list to receive notice of practice tips, new product announcements, success stories, and more.

*Acceptable forms of graduation proof include: State bar profile showing date bar was passed, copy of graduation certificate, or letter from the law school applicant graduated from. Other forms of graduation proof may be accepted and are subject to approval by Trial Guides staff.