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We usually reply within 24 hours 

(during sales and peak seasons, it can take a bit longer)

If you are looking to cancel your order, please choose ”Cancel” in the subject field and type your order number in the “Order Number” field. 

Oh, you got a question about Delivery/Shipping? You can get a lot of information right here!

Oh, you got a question about Return and Refunds? You can get a lot of information right here!

Oh, you got a question about Order Issues? You can get a lot of information right here!

Oh, you got a question about Payments and Promos? You can get a lot of information right here!

Oh, you got a question about Products and Stock? You can get a lot of information right here!

Oh, you got a question about Raffles? You can get a lot of information right here!

If you are looking to cancel your order, please chose ”Cancel” in the subject field and type your order number in the “Order Number” field. 

Oh, you got a question about Delivery/Shipping? You can get a lot of information right here!

Oh, you got a question about Return and Refunds? You can get a lot of information right here!

Oh, you got a question about Order Issues? You can get a lot of information right here!

Oh, you got a question about Payments and Promos? You can get a lot of information right here!

Oh, you got a question about Products and Stock? You can get a lot of information right here!

Oh, you got a question about Raffles? You can get a lot of information right here!

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