Please use this form to update your business information.

Important: If you have more than one business address you ship to, we need valid licenses / documents for each address. After you submit this form, please refresh this page to submit business information for other business addresses you ship to. Your Documents must list your DBA and the name that is listed on the sign of your storefront.

The average approval time from USPS is 1 to 2 weeks once submitted.

1: Upload your Business License

Note: We need all business documents per your state requirements. Please send one of each required by your state. The uploader will allow multiple uploads one at a time.

Click the "Upload File" button below to upload your document. 

File extensions that are accepted are: (5MB limit)

jpg - jpeg -png - gif - bmp - tiff - doc - docx - pdf

If you cannot upload a your business license for some reason you can also attach your business license to an email and send to:

FileUpload your Business License / Tax Certificate one at a time.